About New York City Sonosphere

New York City Sonosphere is an interactive AR sound-walk project that takes you on an adventure around the city, exploring New York's unique and various sounds. The experience is flexible and compared to typical tours, doesn't requre you to follow the tracks linearly. The goal is for you to get a glimps of what New York's chaotic soundscape is and find beauty and appreciation in it by taking it apart.

Background Resesarch

This project is the result of multiple months of research in areas of psychogeography, psychoacoustics, soudscapes, and acoustic communities (term coined by Barry Truax). From visiting different parts of NYC and sketching out acoustic maps of the sounds in those areas, I've noticed that the chaotic sounds of the city can create communities and a build a sense of familiarity and comfort. I've divided those sounds into two groups that both create acoustic communities but in different ways and ranges. The first most noticable and accessible to everyone (even people not from New York) are sounds that stretch across the whole city such as metro sounds, people walking and talking, as well as sounds of traffic. Those sounds travel and spread across NYC making most if not everyone familiar with them. The second type of sounds, more specific and harder to find when being an outsider to that accoustic community, are local sounds. By that I mean sounds that will only stretch across a small area like a few blocks such as the sound of water, skateboards, dogs, or music and more. Those sounds are more constrained by outside factors like weather, time, events surrounding its source, etc.

How to explore the project